First Sunday in Advent

The Sundays of Advent provide so much meaning to all of us, things that we sometimes miss and forget about.  I’m going to try to put a post up for each Sunday of Advent to talk about some of the issues that come to mind and some that are highlighted by the Methodist Prepare Ye The Way website. For me this Sunday at the beginning of December marks a time to get the Christmas tree out and decorate it with the children.  Putting the lights on the tree and the tinsile up, but also reaching out the nativity set that we have.  I set the scene out with Mary and Joseph, and yes I get ahead of myself and add the Shepherds and the Wise men, but I leave the baby Jesus out for now.  Of course a few minutes later the scene has changed as my boys play with the figures.  This day marks the start of our journey, the  journey that we go on each year, the journey to Christmas morning when Jesus, the light of the world, is born. Leaving Jesus out of the scene for now marks this journey and this time of waiting. For the church this Sunday is often about the Prophets who spoke to the Jews about the coming of Jesus.  This morning we heard the  words of Jeremiah 33:14
 The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfil the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah.
Here God reminded the people of Isreal that he would fulfil his promise to them to send a mesiah.  They might have had to wait a long time, but he would come. In the Prepare Ye The Way Publication we are asked to think about Welcoming Refugees, we often forget that for a time Jesus was himself a refugee.  Mary and Joseph ran off to Egypt after the Wise Men had left so that King Herod wouldn’t find Jesus.  Even before Jesus was born Mary and Joesph had made a long journey filled with dangers to travel from their home to the town of Bethlehem.  During Advent we travel on this journey with them towards a time when God’s promise will be fulfilled, whilst we journey we should think about those who have been forced to travel from their homes for their own safety.


Journeying God You revealed yourself to us through Christ on the move, Christ in the manger, Christ fleeing to Egypt, Christ travelling across the Holy Land to fulfil his ministry. As we prepare to celebrate this gift of God made flesh, By wrapping presents, writing cards, decorating trees and preparing feasts, Move us to prepare for your second coming By remembering the people who have been forgotten By turning to the people who have been ignored And by inviting the people who have been left uninvited. May we always find you in the least expected places: At the borders, in temporary accommodation, in the detention centre, And lying in a stable. Amen. Prepare Ye the Way: Week 1